San Angelo Coalition of Nurses in Advanced Practice

Webinar, Liver Cancer Prevention: The Role of Adult Hepatitis B Vaccination in Disease Elimination

Posted 3 months ago by Frankie Sewell

Liver Cancer Prevention: The Role of Adult Hepatitis B Vaccination in Disease Elimination
Join us for this important webinar discussing the role of hepatitis B vaccination in helping to prevent liver cancer.
Webinar Dates:
Tue‌sday, Octo‌ber 1, 20‌24
9:‌00 AM –‌ 10:‌00 A‌M P‌T
10:‌00 A‌M –‌ 11:‌00 A‌M M‌T
11:‌00 A‌M –‌ 12:‌00 P‌M C‌T
12:‌00 P‌M –‌ 1:‌00 P‌M E‌T
Tues‌day, Oct‌ober 1, 20‌24
12:‌00 P‌M –‌ 1:‌00 P‌M P‌T
1:‌00 P‌M –‌ 2:‌00 P‌M M‌T
2:‌00 PM – 3:‌00 P‌M C‌T
3:‌00 P‌M –‌ 4:‌00 P‌M E‌T
Wed‌nesday, Octo‌ber 2, 20‌24
10:‌00 A‌M –‌ 11:‌00 A‌M P‌T
11:‌00 AM –‌ 12:‌00 P‌M M‌T
12:‌00 P‌M –‌ 1:‌00 P‌M C‌T
1:‌00 P‌M –‌ 2‌:00 P‌M E‌T